Lion's Dental Supply & Equipment
Videograph HD IntraOral Digital Sensor |
Villa Videograph HD IntraOral Digital Sensors
A Simple Addition with Optimal Image Definition
Leveraging experience in all sectors of 2D and 3D CBCT dental radiology, Villa is proud to introduce to its imaging product line the Videograph intraoral sensor. Superior image quality is guaranteed via high-definition, a theoretical resolution of >25lp/mm associated to 14 bit grey levels. Accompanying software further lends itself to image perfection as a color gauge on the finished image allows you to determine your optimal x-ray parameters. Additionally, image modification through Quickvision, standard software for the Videograph, enables you to refine images through contrast, brightness and gamma values to your preference. |
The Videograph HD utilizes CMOS sensor technology with a fiber optic, scintillator, and shock absorption area that all together enable efficient, effective and long lasting solutions for your diagnostic needs.
- Quickvision Software and Troll Positioners come standard
- Full Mouth Series (FMS) with Multi-shot and Bitewing features
- CMOS sensor technology
Videograph is available in Size 1 and Size 2 in order to detect all areas of the mouth of any size jaw from adult to Pediatrics. Whether you work primarily in endodontics, pereodontics, prothestic surgery / implants, or cavity diagnosis the Videograph has you covered. It is easily integrated into the office with single or multiple station connectivity via the USB connection. Additionally the 3 meter cable length enables you to reach your capture device, effectively welcoming itself to any room layout. From brand new to vintage, existing equipment is not a problem as Videograph works with your preferred or existing dental x-ray manufacturer. |
Patient comfort is a top priority with rounded corners and a slim design that grant superior handling and positioning within the mouth. Designed to be fully submergible within liquid to safeguard your preferred method of disinfection.
- Endo, Pereo, Prothestic & Implants
- Twain capable to work with most industry leading software
- Integration with your preferred software to suit your preference
reg $ 4,199 Call For Price
reg $ 5,299 Call For Price
reg $ 9,999 Call For Price
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