Vector Duo Dual Speed Dental Amalgamator Mixer
Digital Dual Speed Control:
Dual speed adjustment allows user greater flexibility with concern to firmness,
wetness of mix as well as broadening the scope of materials the amalgamator is
able to mix. High-speed - 4,500 osc./sec., Low-speed - 4,000 osc. /sec..
Digital Time Control:
Set the time digitally from 1-99 seconds. Auto stop at desired time with digital
countdown timer.
Time and speed Memory:
On-board memory allows the user to turn the main power switch off without having to
reset the last time and speed setting when the unit is powered back on.
Safety Door Switch:
Save your fingers! Unit stops oscillation when the door is opened saving you
knuckles from reaching in on an active, moving capsule. 1 year warranty
SKU:# A-VS100
reg $ 699 Sale $ 224