Lion's Dental Supply & Equipment
Dental Ultrasonic Piezo Scalers Tips |
Universal Ultrasonic Piezo Scaling Tips
Piezo Tips are Special Order |
Mini Piezon*, Scalex 880*, Bonart SP2*, SuperSon EIE*, Master 400*, Parkell (Piezo)*, Dent America*
Bonart P3-II, Bonart P4, Bonart P6, Vista P5*, NSK*, ENAC*, Sybron Endo*, Obtura Spartan*, ADEC*, J.Morita*, Dentsply/Tulsa*
Amdent US30, Vista Piezo Advantage
Ultrasonic Piezo Tips Comes with Free Wrench. |
SU1 - Light to Medium Heavy Cases of Supra-Gingival Calculus
SU2 - Scaling of High Density, Supra-Gingival Calculus Deposits
SU3 - Removal of stains (Tobacco, Coffee, and Other Stains of This Nature)
SU4 - General Scaling of Sensitive Areas
SU5 - Designed for Interproximal Scaling
SU6 - Designed for Sub-Gingival Scaling |
SU1-Light to Medium - Heavy Cases of Supra-Gingival Calculus
Utilizing the side radius of the initial 2-3mm of the top of the tip in a sweeping motion on the tooth enamel provides a smooth scaled surface with minimal need for secondary hand instrumentation.
Sold Out
SU2 - Scaling of High Density, Supra-Gingival Calculus Deposits
Utilizing the flat edge of the top of the tip and the side of the tip perpendicular to the tooth surface, use an up-and-down motion on the tooth surface to sheer off calculus.
Sold out
SU6 - Designed for Sub-Gingival Scaling
Long and thin design allows for a less evasive entry into subgingival pockets resulting in minimal patient sensitivity and reduced bleeding.
Sold Out
SU4 - General Scaling of Sensitive Areas
Less abrasive then the SU1 - SU3 tips, this tip is ideal for use in the periodontal pockets and with other sensitive locations.
Sale $ 75.99
Periodontal Ultrasonic Piezo Tips For Perio Scaling |
DST - Diamond Safety Tip
HC - Universal Curette Design for Sub & Supra Gingival Scaling
HA - Light to Medium Cases of Sub- Gingival Calculus
HFL - Light Scaling of Difficult Access Areas - (left bend)
HFR - Light Scaling of Difficult Access Areas - (right bend)
PTU - Sub-Gingival Pocket Scaling
PTL - Sub-Gingival Pocket Scaling of Molars & Pre-Molars (left version)
PTR - Sub-Gingival Pocket Scaling of Molars & Pre-Molars (right version) |
Endodontic Ultrasonic Piezo Tips
GE20D - Diamond Coated, 20mm Tip from Bend Angle
GE20 - 20mm Tip from Bend Angle (non-diamond coated - less aggressive)
GE40D - Diamond Coated, 40mm Tip from Bend Angle
GE40 - 40mm Tip from Bend Angle (non-diamond coated - less agressive)
PRT - Post Removal Tip
GEBD-1 - Ball Shaped Diamond Coated Tip - small GEBD-2 - Ball Shaped Diamond Coated Tip - large
GEFD-1 - Football Shaped Diamond Coated Tip - small
GEFD-2 - Football Shaped Diamond Coated Tip - large
UCT-1 - Diamind Coated Ultrasonic Cavitation Tip
UCT-2 - VPro StreamClean™ Flo-Thru™ - 30ga ultrasonic nickel-titanium irrigating tip designed to enhance accoustacal streaming of irrigants.
SET20-4D - Only 4mm of Diamond Coating SET40-4D - Only 4mm of Diamond Coating |
GE20 - 20mm Tip from Bend Angle
Same geometry as the GE20D without the diamond coating. This tip reacts less aggressively and is not recommended for cements.
Sale $ 79.99
Piezo Surgery Ultrasonic Tips
503827 - Basic Piezo Surgery Kit For Mectron/ NSK
Basic Kit Includes:OT7-V,,,OT2-V,,,EX1-V,,,OP1-V,,,OP3-V,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 849
503829 - Extraction Piezo Surgery Kit For Mectron/ NSK
Extraction kit includes:EX1-V,,,EX2-V,,,EX3-V,,,PS2-V,,,PS6-V,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 849
503828 - Sinus Lift Piezo Surgery Kit For Mectron/ NSK
Sinus Lift Kit Includes:OT1-V,,,OT5-V,,,EL1-V,,,EL2-V,,,EL3-V,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 849
503830 - Osteotomy piezo Surgery Kit for Mectron/ NSK
Osteotomy Kit includes:OT7-V,,,OT7S3-V,,,OT8R-V,,,OT8L-V,,,OT7S4-V,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 849
503843 - Bone Piezo Surgery Kit for Satalec EMS Style
Bone Kit includes:SL1-V,,,BCL-V,,,BCR-V,,,BC6F-V,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 459
503844 - Basic Piezo Surgery Kit For Satalec EMS Style
Basic Kit Includes:SL-V,,,SL1-V,,,SL2-V,,,SL3-V,,,SL4-V,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 559
503842 - Extraction Piezo Surgery Kit For Satalec EMS Style
Extraction kit includes:EX1-V,,,EXL-V,,,EXR-V,,,PIRANHA,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 419
503841 - Sinus Lift Piezo Surgery Kit For Satalec EMS Style
Sinus Lift Kit Includes:SL1-V,,,SL2-V,,,SL3-V,,,SL4-V,,,SL6-V,,,SL7-V,,,Carrying Tray
Sale $ 629