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The Cure Led Curing Light
The Cure TC-CL II Curing Light
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The Cure TC-CL II Cordles Dental Curing Light

Spring Health Products The Cure TC-CL II Dental Curing Light

Spring Health Products The Cure TC-CL II Dental Curing Light

The Smallest Most Powerful and Durable LED Curing Lights.

With more than 20 years of experience in developing curing light technology, Spring Health Products The CURE 2, TC-CL II Premium Dental Cordless Led Curing Light, Made in the USA, is the latest in high-power LED technology providing 1400 mW/cm² intensity. The LED had 4 diodes in the tip to provide multiple – wavelength output, and allows for a 6-second cure, with a digital readout that can be timed between 2 and 20 seconds. The all metal housing is durable, easy to disinfect and virtually unbreakable. Small and extremely light-weight prevents fatigue. Unique, ergonomic shape provides a comfortable grip from any angle with a grip diameter of only .750."

reg $ 699   $ 569

Features & Benefits:

The latest in high-power LED technology, providing 1400 mW/cm2 intensity with two different output modes.
Cuts manufacture recommended cure time in half on compatible cure materials.
Allows a 6-second cure on most modern composite filling materials, share A3 or lighter.
Metal housing is durable, easy to disinfect and virtually unbreakable.
Small and light-weight (83g) prevents fatigue.
Unique, ergonomic shape provides and comfortable grip from any angle with a grip diameter of only .75" or 1.9cm.
Simple dual-switch operation providing easy operation in any position.
Advanced Lithium-Ion battery provides mobile, cordless operation. A fully-charged battery provides 45-minutes of cure time (450 ten second cures).
Long-time, high-performance battery can be easily changed at chair side.
Specially coated to protect against fingerprints and stains.


Weight: 2.75oz (83g)
Output: 1400mw/cm2 - 700mw/cm2
Curing Time: 5-15 seconds for modern composites (A3 or lighter shades)
LED Wave Length: 440-465nm
Timer: Digital programmable timer (8 settings from 2 seconds to 20 seconds)
Beeper: 2-second audible beeper
Housing: Anodized aluminum handle
On/Off Switch: Dual Switches
County of Origin: Made in the USA, including circuit board
Warranty: 1-year warranty on all parts and labor.

Spring Health Products The Cure TC-CL II Dental Curing Light

Replacement Parts For the Cure TC-CL II Cordless Dental Curing Light By Spring Health Products

Curing Sleeves Pk 400    $ 69.99

The Cure Power Supply   $ 89.99 

Handpiece Hanger For The Cure   $ 42.95 

8mm Curing Light Lens   $ 69.95 

Orange Shields For 8mm Lens pk 6   $ 32.99 
